

El Croquis is one of the most prestigious architectural magazines in the world. Founded in 1982 by Richard Levene and Fernando Marquez, it publishes five monographs every year. The volumes dedicated to established Pritzker Prize names like OMA Rem Koolhaas, SANAA Sejima & Nishizawa, Herzog & de Meuron, Alvaro Siza or Rafael Moneo, are considered their respective oeuvre complète. The journal almost never publishes nocturnal photographs of interior spaces. The same goes for other major architecture magazines. In February 2020, HEAD – Genève invited Richard Levene to create a night edition of El Croquis. The workshop focused on the idea that night is a forgotten paradigm in the construction of modern and contemporary architectural discourse.

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Alberti, L. B. (1988). On the art of building in ten books (J. Rykwert, N. Leach, & R. Tavernor, Trans.). MIT Press. (Original work published 1452)

Banham, R. (1969). The architecture of the well-tempered environment. University of Chicago Press.

Benevolo, L. (1960). Storia dell’architettura moderna. Laterza.

Frampton, K. (1980). Modern architecture: A critical history. Thames & Hudson.

Giedion, S. (1941). Space, time and architecture: The growth of a new tradition. Harvard University Press.

Hitchcock, H.-R., & Johnson, P. (1932). The International Style. W. W. Norton & Company.

Koolhaas, R. (1978). Delirious New York. A retroactive manifesto for Manhattan. Oxford University Press.

Koolhaas, R., & Ota, K. (Eds.). (2006). Post-occupancy. Domus d’Autore.

Levene, R., Högger, S., & Contreras, J. F. (2020, February 21). El Croquis: An architecture magazine success story. Issue: Journal of Art & Design HEAD – Genève.https://issue-journal.ch/flux-posts/el-croquis-a-conversation-with-richard-levene/

Palladio, A. (1997). The four books on architecture (R. Tavernor & R. Schofield, Trans.). MIT Press. (Original work published 1570)

Pevsner, N. (Eds.). (1936). Pioneers of the modern movement: From William Morris to Walter Gropius.Yale University Press.

Preiser, W. F. E., White, E., & Rabinowitz, H. (2015). Post-occupancy evaluation (Routledge Revivals). Routledge.

Venturi, R., Scott Brown. D., & Izenour, S. (1972). Learning from Las Vegas. MIT Press.

Vitruvius, M. P. (1999). Ten books on architecture (I. Rowland & T. Howe, Eds.). Cambridge University Press. (Original work published ca. 30–15 BCE)

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Authors' Bio

Javier Fernández Contreras

Javier Fernández Contreras (Dipl. ETSAM 2006, PhD 2013) is an architect, associate professor and the Dean of the Department of Interior Architecture at HEAD – Genève, Geneva University of Art and Design. His work explores the relationship between architecture, representation and media, with a specific focus on the role of interiors in the construction of contemporaneity. He is the author of the books Fragmentos de Planta y Espacio (Ediciones Asimétricas, 2018), The Miralles Projection: Thinking and Representation in Architecture by Enric Miralles (Applied Research + Design Publishing, 2020), and Manifesto of Interiors: Thinking in the Expanded Media (HEAD – Publishing, 2021). His critical essays have been published, among others, in Massilia Annuaire des Études Corbuséennes, Marie-José Van Hee Architecten, Perspectives in Metropolitan Research, Princeton 306090, RADDAR, Drawing Matter, Bitácora. With HEAD – Genève, recent distinctions include the Brands and Communication Red Dot Award 2020 and the Innovation Frame Award 2020 for the Space Duality project, as well as a Design Prize Switzerland 2019 nomination for the #Looslab project. Contreras is the director of Scènes de Nuit, an ongoing research project on the relationship between night and architecture.

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