

Hospitals as health care providers are now required to perform cost and quality control without neglecting the quality of services. Clinical pathways which underlying quality and cost control in the hospital are available but has not been audited. This study aims to determine the unit cost of services in RS X Jakarta, the utilization of hospital services for dengue disease and cost of treatment of DHF in RS X Jakarta. A cross-sectional study was performed in this study. A quantitative approach was done through data collection from hospital information system, medical record and financial data. The result showed that there was a gap between the cost of treatment of DHF patients which based on the clinical pathway (2,184,588 IDR) and the cost of treatment based on the real condition (2,382,512 IDR). The biggest difference between cost of treatment and real cost was in the hospitalization cost and medicine cost. Cost of treatment without salary and investation calculation for DHF patients can be reduced significantly by 29%. Cost of treatment without salary calculation for DHF patients can be reduced significantly by 42%. There is a need for monitoring system and the establishment of hospital case mix team in order to optimize the hospital clinical pathway in the JKN era.

Bahasa Abstract

Rumah Sakit sebagai pemberi layanan kesehatan saat ini dituntut untuk melakukan kendali mutu dan biaya, namun tetap berkualitas. Clinical pathway yang menjadi dasar pengendalian mutu dan biaya sudah ada tetapi belum diaudit penggunaannya oleh tim rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui unit cost layanan dan cost of treatment DBD di RS X Jakarta. Penelitian kuantitatif melalui pengambilan data cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 190 pasien DBD. Hasil penelitian didapatkan adanya kesenjangan antara cost of treatment perawatan pasien DBD berdasarkan clinical pathway (Rp. 2.184.588) dan cost of treatment berdasarkan kondisi riil (Rp. 2.382.512) dengan selisih terbesar di rawat inap dan obat-obatan. Cost of treatment tanpa perhitungan gaji dan investasi untuk pasien DBD dapat berkurang menjadi 29% dari cost of treatment semula. Cost of Treatment tanpa perhitungan gaji maka cost of treatment dapat turun menjadi 42%. Diperlukan sistem pemantauan kepatuhan terhadap clinical pathway, pembentukan tim casemix rumah sakit untuk pemantauan dan evaluasi implementasi JKN di rumah sakit



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