

Background: Based on statistical data, in 2021 tuberculosis cases in the DKI Jakarta area reached 26,854, an increase of around 21% from 2020, 22,156 cases.

Aims: This Study focuses on the lavel of administrative area whether a residential density shows significance in the spread of Pulmonary Turberculosis (TB) cases.

Methods: The research carried out by a descriptive quantitative research in the Pasar Rebo General Hospital.

Results: The distribution of patients in the Pasar Rebo General Hospital is not affected by the total population density found in a sub-district area. After the research was carried out in a smaller administrative scope, namely at the sub-district level, it was began to show a correlation between population density and the spread of pulmonary tuberculosis. Using a spatial approach, the research shows that there is a casual relationship between the cases of the spread of tuberculosis and the density of a residential area.

Conclusion: Based on the data obtained and the spatial analysis, this study shows that the population density variable show the percentage level of the spread of a case of Pulmonary TB. But in this case it must be seen at a level of the smallest administrative area, namely at the sub-district level.


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