Volume 3, Issue 1 (2023) Strengthening Urban-Rural Linkage to Achieve SDGs through Urban and Regional Planning Intervention
The urban solutions may come from the rural to reduce the urban migrant and harness the digital transformation to make a new mutual relationship between urban and rural. Therefore, a just collaboration between urban and rural areas is essential. Cities need to embrace the rural system to create solutions in the digital era during the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change crisis. The critical question for this workshopseminar is how we can sharpen the role of urban and regional planning to strengthen the linkage between urban and rural to achieve SDGs based on/by referring the Regional-CES concept.Articles
How Do Pedestrians Perceive The Safety, Comfort, And Usefulness Of A Walking Space? An Exploratory Study of Pedestrian Perception
Amanda Rifqa Marisa and Achmad Hery Fuad
Major Paths Changes In 2013-2022 To Walkability (Case Study: Dukuh Atas TOD)
Daniel Harvey Tulis and Antony Sihombing
Study of The Impact of The Incompatibility of Space Utilization In The Krukut River
Kevin Daniel Mangasi and Dwinanti Rika Marthanty
Urban Memory Becomes An Idea In The Concept of Spatial Planning (Study Case: Restoration Area of Tambora District, West Jakarta)
Riska Phillia and Antony Sihombing
Green Infrastructure Intervention To Improve Waste And Water System In Urban Areas
Muthiah Hakim Hadini, Farah Bulqis Muzakar, Nurlina Yustiningrum, Nicole Hall, Peicong Li, Freya Ward, Ova Candra Dewi, Coriesta Dian Sulistiani, and Andrew Flynn