This study aims to understand supervisors' perceptions of the effectiveness of Geotab as a control measure for mitigating the risk of collisions involving light vehicles. Conducted in Division X of PT. X, a mining industry, from February to June 2023, this descriptive, semi-qualitative study collected data through control effectiveness questionnaires, interviews, and document review. The variables studied include the relevance, coverage, reliability, reactivity, resource competence, and supervision system of Geotab. Questionnaire results showed supervisor perception scores of 3.09 for relevance (appropriate), 3.10 for coverage (appropriate), 3.06 for reliability (appropriate), 2.99 for reactivity (appropriate), 2.93 for resource competence, and 2.95 for the supervision system (appropriate). Interview results highlighted keywords such as "already appropriate" for relevance, "light vehicle operation scenario" for coverage, "operates well" and "system errors" for reliability, "unable to provide immediate alerts" for reactivity, and “sufficient understanding” for resource competence, while supervision revealed a top-down evaluation approach. A review of Planned Job Observation (PJO) documents in June 2023 confirmed that all light vehicles observed in 33 PJOs were equipped with Geotab. In conclusion, relevance, coverage, resource competence, and supervision system variables were deemed appropriate, while reliability and reactivity were moderately appropriate.
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Bahasa Abstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi pengawas terhadap efektivitas Geotab sebagai kontrol dalam mengendalikan risiko tertabrak/menabrak kendaraan ringan. Penelitian dilakukan di Divisi X PT. X, sebuah industri pertambangan, pada Februari hingga Juni 2023 dengan pendekatan deskriptif semi-kualitatif, menggunakan kuesioner efektivitas kontrol, wawancara, dan telaah dokumen. Variabel yang diteliti meliputi relevansi, cakupan, reliabilitas, reaktivitas, kompetensi sumber daya, dan sistem pengawasan Geotab. Hasil kuesioner menunjukkan skor persepsi pengawas: relevansi 3,09 (sesuai), cakupan 3,10 (sesuai), reliabilitas 3,06 (sesuai), reaktivitas 2,99 (cukup sesuai), kompetensi sumber daya 2,93, dan sistem pengawasan 2,95 (sesuai). Hasil wawancara mengidentifikasi kata kunci “sudah sesuai” pada relevansi, “skenario operasi kendaraan ringan” pada cakupan, “berfungsi dengan baik” dan “terdapat kesalahan sistem” pada reliabilitas, “belum mampu memberikan peringatan segera” pada reaktivitas, serta “pemahaman sudah cukup” pada kompetensi sumber daya, sementara sistem pengawasan menunjukkan pola evaluasi dari atas ke bawah. Telaah dokumen Planned Job Observation (PJO) pada Juni 2023 menunjukkan bahwa 33 PJO mengonfirmasi seluruh unit kendaraan ringan telah terpasang Geotab. Kesimpulannya, variabel relevansi, cakupan, kompetensi sumber daya, dan sistem pengawasan dianggap sesuai, sementara reliabilitas dan reaktivitas cukup sesuai.
Kata Kunci: efektivitas kontrol, geotab, persepsi pengawas
Recommended Citation
Zafirah, Aisyah Yasmin and Satrya, Chandra
"Gambaran Persepsi Pengawas terhadap Efektivitas Geotab dalam Mengendalikan Risiko Kecelakaan Kendaraan Ringan di Divisi X,"
National Journal of Occupational Health and Safety: Vol. 5, Article 15.
DOI: 10.59230/njohs.v5i1.1057
Available at: