The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many community activities to be limited, including the education aspect in Indonesia, which implements online learning (PJJ). This online learning makes all learning activities being online and requires teachers and students to be in front of their gadgets to carry out online learning. This PJJ activity certainly has an ergonomic risk that causing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This study aims to determine the risk of ergonomics during online learning activities for high school teachers and students in Bogor. The method in this study is a cross-sectional study design using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire and additional questionnaire that distributed online and this study was conducted on 496 teachers and students from public and private schools. The variables studied were individual factors, work factors, work equipment factors, and subjective complaints of MSDs. The results show that there are more than 60% of teachers and students in both schools experience musculoskeletal disorders subjective complaints. Most complaints are felt in the neck, shoulders, upper back, lower back, hands, and feet. A significant relationship was also found between the PJJ period, PJJ duration, PJJ frequency, repetition movement, static movement, frequency of physical activity, chair condition, and table condition.
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Bahasa Abstract
Pandemi COVID-19 membuat banyak kegiatan masyarakat harus dibatasi, termasuk dunia pendidikan Indonesia yang menerapkan pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ). PJJ ini membuat seluruh kegiatan pembelajaran menjadi daring dan mewajibkan guru dan murid untuk berada di depan gawai dalam rangka menjalankan kegiatan PJJ. Aktifitas PJJ ini tentu memiliki risiko ergonomi yang berisiko menimbulkan gangguang muskuloskeletal (MSDs). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui risiko ergonomi selama kegiatan pembelajaran jarak jauh pada murid dan guru SMA di Kota Bogor. Metode yang digunakan adalah desain studi potong-lintang menggunakan Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionaire serta kuesioner tambahan yang disebar secara daring dan penelitian ini dilakukan kepada 496 guru dan murid dari sekolah negeri dan swasta. Variabel yang diteliti adalah faktor individu, faktor pekerjaan, faktor peralatan kerja, dan keluhan subjektif MSDs. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lebih dari sama dengan 60% guru dan murid di kedua sekolah yang mengalami keluhan subjektif MSDs. Keluhan paling banyak dirasakan di leher, bahu, punggung atas, punggung bawah, tangan dan kaki. Ditemukan juga hubungan yang signifikan antara periode PJJ, durasi PJJ, frekuensi PJJ, gerakan repetisi, gerakan statis, frekuensi aktivitas fisik, kondisi kursi, dan kondisi meja.
Kata Kunci: Ergonomi, Keluhan Subjektif, Gangguan Muskuloskeletal, Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh
Recommended Citation
Azizie, Heykal Aldaffa and Susilowati, Indri Hapsari Hapsari
"Analisis Faktor Risiko Keluhan Subjektif Gangguan Muskuloskeletal (MSDs) pada Guru dan Murid SMA Akibat Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh di Bogor,"
National Journal of Occupational Health and Safety: Vol. 3, Article 3.
DOI: 10.59230/njohs.v3i1.6037
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