

Penelitian ini membahas mengenai motif pelaksanaan Reforma Agraria Jepang (nōchi kaikaku) yang terjadi pada masa pemerintahan SCAP tahun 1946 – 1950. Pembahasan tersebut meliputi latar belakang sejarah terjadinya pelaksanaan Reforma Agraria Jepang, pelaksanaan Reforma Agraria Jepang, serta dampak dari pelaksanaan reforma agraria terhadap Jepang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan penjelasan disajikan dengan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data bersumber pada buku dan jurnal yang khusus membahas mengenai Reforma Agraria Jepang. Data yang telah terkumpul kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teori pelaksanaan reforma agraria oleh Warriner (1969). Hasil pembahasan dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan Reforma Agraria Jepang berhasil menghapus kekuatan tuan tanah dalam menguasai lahan, meredam konflik antara tuan tanah dengan petani penyewa, usaha dalam menciptakan kesetaraan sosial dan ekonomi bagi masyarakat, dan pelaksanaan reforma yang sesuai dengan UU Reforma Agraria Jepang tahun 1946. Lebih lanjut, Reforma Agraria Jepang pada masa pendudukan SCAP dinilai sebagai salah satu pelaksanaan reforma agraria yang berhasil mengapuskan kekuatan tuan tanah dalam menguasai lahan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah motif pelaksanaan reforma agraria pada Reforma Agraria Jepang tahun 1946-1950 merupakan kolaborasi dari keempat motif pelaksanaan reforma agraria dari Warriner (1969).



Basuki, Sulistyo. (2006). Metode Penelitian. Jakarta: Wedatama Widya Sastra.

Dore. R. P. (1959). Land Reform. London: Oxford University Press.

Francks, Penelope. (2006). Rural Economic Development in Japan: From the nineteenth century to the Pasific War. New York: Routledge.

Kosaka, Masataka. (1982). A History of Postwar Japan. Tokyo and New York: Kondansha International.

Warriner, Doreen. (1969). Land Reform in Principle and Practice. New York and London: Oxford University.

Artikel Jurnal

Bernier, Bernard. (1980). The Japanese Peasantry and Economic Growth since The Land Reform of 1946-47. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 12-1: 40-52.

Dore, R. P. (1965). Land Reform and Japan’s Economic Development. The Economic Development 3:4, 487-496.

Grabowski, Richard. (2002). East Asia, Land Reform, and Economic Development. Canadian Journal of Development Studies 23-1: 105-126.

Gilmartin, W.M., & Ladejinsky, W. (1948). The Promise of Agrarian Reform in Japan. Foreign Affairs, 26, 312.

Grad, A. (1948). Land Reform in Japan. Pacific Affairs, 21(2), 115-135.

Huizer, G (1977). The Role of Peasant Organisations in the Japanese Land Reform. Social Scientist, 6(3), 40.

Kawagoe, Toshihiko. (1999). Agricultural Land Reform in Postwar Japan: Experiences and Issues. The World Bank: Development Research Group, Rural Development.

Masanori, Nakamura. (1988). The Japanese Landlord System and Tenancy Disputes: A Reply to Richard Smethurst’s Criticism. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 20:1, 35-50.

McDonald, Mary G. (1997). Agricultural Landholding in Japan: Fifty Years After Land Reform.

Geoforum, 28:1, 55-78.

Ouchi, Tsutomu. (1966). The Japanese Land Reform: Its Efficacy and Limitations. The Developing Economy 4: 129-150.

Raper, Arthur F. (1951). Some Effects of Land Reform in Thirteen Japanese Villages. Journal of Farm Economics, 33:2, 177-182.

Takigawa, Tsutomu. (1972). Historical Background of Agricultural Land Reform in Japan. The Developing Economy 10: 290-310.

Trewartha, G. (1950). Land Reform and Land Reclamation in Japan. Geographical Review, 40(3),

376-396. doi:10.2307/211216


Basuki, Sulistyo. (2006). Metode Penelitian. Jakarta: Wedatama Widya Sastra.

Dore. R. P. (1959). Land Reform. London: Oxford University Press.

Francks, Penelope. (2006). Rural Economic Development in Japan: From the nineteenth century to the Pasific War. New York: Routledge.

Kosaka, Masataka. (1982). A History of Postwar Japan. Tokyo and New York: Kondansha International.

Warriner, Doreen. (1969). Land Reform in Principle and Practice. New York and London: Oxford University.

Artikel Jurnal

Bernier, Bernard. (1980). The Japanese Peasantry and Economic Growth since The Land Reform of 1946-47. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 12-1: 40-52.

Dore, R. P. (1965). Land Reform and Japan’s Economic Development. The Economic Development 3:4, 487-496.

Grabowski, Richard. (2002). East Asia, Land Reform, and Economic Development. Canadian Journal of Development Studies 23-1: 105-126.

Gilmartin, W.M., & Ladejinsky, W. (1948). The Promise of Agrarian Reform in Japan. Foreign Affairs, 26, 312.

Grad, A. (1948). Land Reform in Japan. Pacific Affairs, 21(2), 115-135.

Huizer, G (1977). The Role of Peasant Organisations in the Japanese Land Reform. Social Scientist, 6(3), 40.

Kawagoe, Toshihiko. (1999). Agricultural Land Reform in Postwar Japan: Experiences and Issues. The World Bank: Development Research Group, Rural Development.

Masanori, Nakamura. (1988). The Japanese Landlord System and Tenancy Disputes: A Reply to Richard Smethurst’s Criticism. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 20:1, 35-50.

McDonald, Mary G. (1997). Agricultural Landholding in Japan: Fifty Years After Land Reform. Geoforum, 28:1, 55-78.

Ouchi, Tsutomu. (1966). The Japanese Land Reform: Its Efficacy and Limitations. The Developing Economy 4: 129-150.

Raper, Arthur F. (1951). Some Effects of Land Reform in Thirteen Japanese Villages. Journal of Farm Economics, 33:2, 177-182.

Takigawa, Tsutomu. (1972). Historical Background of Agricultural Land Reform in Japan. The Developing Economy 10: 290-310.

Trewartha, G. (1950). Land Reform and Land Reclamation in Japan. Geographical Review, 40(3), 376-396. doi:10.2307/211216
