This study aims to explore image building activities carried out by France on European security through educational programs for military officers. In this education, military officers were envoys of various friendly countries of France. This military officers education is a forum where France can disseminate its national security vision and mission. France intension is to demonstrate its strong military traditions, as well as its solid doctrine and battle strategy in anticipation of regional and global threats. The programs offered by France in the education program are considered attractive to its partners. This study used participatory observation methods conducted to reconstruct the background, motivations, goals, and objectives of the French Government in providing education for military officers. In this study, the researchers are exploring the Nation Branding Theory by Simon Anholt and Keith Dinnie and its application in diplomacy specifically carried out by France, namely military officers education. The findings of this study show that France has strategically made the military officers education programs of its partner countries an instrument of foreign diplomacy in defense and security sec tors, in line with French national interests and France's geopolitical position in the European region and in the world.
Keywords: France, European Security, Educational programme for military officers, Nation Branding Theory, military diplomacy
Bahasa Abstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri kegiatan image building yang dilakukan oleh Prancis tentang keamanan Eropa melalui program pendidikan untuk perwira militer. Dalam pendidikan tersebut perwira-perwira militer merupakan utusan berbagai negara sahabat Prancis. Pendidikan perwira militer ini merupakan forum dimana Prancis dapat mendeseminasikan visi dan misi keamanan nasionalnya. Prancis ingin menunjukkan tradisi militernya yang kuat, serta kokohnya doktrin dan strategi pertempurannya dalam mengantisipasi ancaman regional dan global. Program-program yang ditawarkan Prancis dalam program pendidikan tersebut dianggap menarik bagi mitra-mitra keamanan Eropa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi partisipatif yang dilakukan untuk merekonstruksi latar belakang, motivasi, tujuan, dan sasaran Pemerintah Prancis menyelenggarakan pendidikan untuk perwira militer. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan eksplorasi terhadap Nation Branding Theory oleh Simon Anholt dan Keith Dinnie dan penerapannya dalam diplomasi yang secara khusus dilakukan oleh Prancis, yaitu pendidikan perwira militer. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Prancis secara strategis telah menjadikan program pendidikan perwira militer negara-negara mitranya sebagai instrumen diplomasi luar negeri dalam bidang pertahanan dan keamanan, sejalan dengan kepentingan nasional Prancis dan posisi geopolitik Prancis di kawasan Eropa dan di dunia.
Kata kunci: Prancis, Keamanan Eropa, Program Pendidikan bagi Perwira Militer, Nation Branding Theory, Diplomasi Militer.
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Recommended Citation
Ariansyah, Helmy and Nugrahani, Henny Saptatia Drajati
"Image Building on European Security by France Through Military Officer Education Programme,"
Journal of Strategic and Global Studies: Vol. 7:
1, Article 3.
DOI: 10.7454/jsgs.v7i1.1131
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