The Government of Indonesia, has established the Drug-Free Village Program (Program Desa Bersih Narkoba – Desa Bersinar) to overcome the problem of drug abuse and illicit trade at the village level. This research aims to assess the effectiveness of the program implementation and map its constraints nationally. It uses descriptive quantitative methods on formal evaluation approaches and constraint mapping methods. We survey BNNP / BNNK's Prevention and Community Empowerment sub-coordinators throughout Indonesia, with 108 participants participating. Using the effectiveness evaluation criteria, based on the success indicators, according to the Desa Bersinar program implementation technical guidelines. The result shows that two factors explain the success of the Desa Bersinar program with an Eigenvalue of 64,118%. This means that the performance of Desa Bersinar can be explained by these two factors with an explanatory ability of 64.118%, while the rest is explained by other factors that have not been identified. Nationally, the Desa Bersinar program implementation has been effective, with index at 61.99%.
Bahasa Abstract
Pemerintah Indonesia, telah menetapkan Program Desa Bersih Narkoba (Desa Bersinar) untuk menanggulangi masalah penyalahgunaan dan perdagangan gelap narkoba di tingkat desa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektivitas pelaksanaan program dan memetakan kendala-kendalanya secara nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan evaluasi formal dan metode pemetaan kendala. Kami mensurvei subkoordinator Pencegahan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat BNNP/BNNK di seluruh Indonesia dengan 108 orang peserta. Menggunakan kriteria evaluasi efektivitas, berdasarkan indikator keberhasilan, menurut juknis pelaksanaan program Desa Bersinar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua faktor yang menjelaskan keberhasilan program Desa Bersinar dengan nilai Eigen sebesar 64,118%. Artinya kinerja Desa Bersinar dapat dijelaskan oleh kedua faktor tersebut dengan kemampuan penjelas sebesar 64,118%, sedangkan sisanya dijelaskan oleh faktor lain yang belum teridentifikasi. Secara nasional pelaksanaan program Desa Bersinar sudah efektif, dengan indeks sebesar 61,99%.
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Recommended Citation
Nataludin, Christian and Samputra, Palupi Lindasari
"Evaluation of The Drug-Free Village Program (Program Desa Bersinar) In Indonesia,"
Journal of Strategic and Global Studies: Vol. 6:
2, Article 2.
DOI: 10.7454/jsgs.v6i2.1127
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