

Introduction. The emergence of the Omicron variant during the pandemic had an impact on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine. The spread of Omicron increased rapidly even in populations that had been vaccinated with booster doses, causing a high incidence of infection. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness and factors related to the effectiveness of the second mRNA booster vaccine as well as antibody levels after the second mRNA booster vaccine in healthcare workers at Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital.

Methods. This study used a cohort design. Total sampling of 271 healthcare workers were obtained from previous research and continued with consecutive sampling. Selected subjects were interviewed, and blood samples were taken to measure IgG sRBD antibody levels. The effectiveness of the vaccine was calculated, and bivariate and multivariate analysis was carried out to assess the factors that influenced the effectiveness of the second mRNA booster vaccine.

Results. A total of 9 subjects (5.6%) were infected with COVID-19 in the second booster vaccine group and 11 subjects (9.7%) in the first vaccine group. The effectiveness of the vaccine against COVID-19 infection was 42% (CI 95% -37 – 75%), p = 0,215. Age, gender, hypertension, type 2 DM, obesity, smoking, and COVID-19 infection before booster have no relationship to the effectiveness of the second booster mRNA vaccine. In 48 subjects who had their antibody levels checked during the first and second boosters, there was an increase from 4,743 AU/ml (IQR 6,053.3) to 8,532 AU/ml (IQR 8,040.3).

Conclusions. The effectiveness of the second mRNA booster vaccine against COVID-19 infection in healthcare workers was 42%. There were no factors related to the effectiveness of the second mRNA booster vaccine. The sRBD antibody levels after the second booster vaccine were higher than the first booster vaccine.

Bahasa Abstract

Pendahuluan. Munculnya varian Omicron saat pandemi memberikan dampak pada efektivitas vaksin COVID-19. Penyebaran Omicron meningkat pesat bahkan pada populasi yang telah divaksinasi dengan dosis booster, menyebabkan tingginya kejadian infeksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap efektivitas vaksin mRNA booster kedua serta kadar antibodi pasca vaksin mRNA booster kedua pada tenaga kesehatan di RSCM.

Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kohort. Sebanyak 271 tenaga kesehatan dipilih secara total sampling dari penelitian sebelumnya dilanjutkan dengan consecutive sampling. Subjek yang terpilih diwawancara dan diambil sampel darah untuk kadar antibodi IgG sRBD, dilakukan pemantauan selama enam bulan untuk melihat adanya infeksi dan dihitung efektivitas vaksin. Analisis bivariat dan multivariat dilakukan untuk menilai faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap efektivitas vaksin mRNA booster kedua.

Hasil. Sebanyak 9 subjek (5,6%) terinfeksi COVID-19 pada kelompok vaksin booster kedua dan 11 subjek (9,7%) pada kelompok tidak vaksin booster kedua. Efektivitas vaksin terhadap kejadian infeksi COVID-19 sebesar 42,2% (IK 95% -37 – 75%), nilai p=0,215. Usia, jenis kelamin, hipertensi, diabetes melitus (DM) tipe 2, obesitas, dan merokok tidak mempunyai hubungan terhadap efektivitas vaksin mRNA booster kedua. Pada 48 subjek yang melakukan pemeriksaan kadar antibodi saat booster pertama dan kedua, ditemukan adanya peningkatan yaitu dari 4.743 AU/ml (RIK 6.053,3) menjadi 8.532 AU/ml (RIK 8.040,3).

Kesimpulan. Efektivitas vaksin mRNA booster kedua terhadap pencegahan kejadian infeksi COVID-19 pada tenaga kesehatan di RSCM sebesar 42%. Tidak ditemukan pengaruh usia, jenis kelamin, hipertensi, DM tipe 2, obesitas, merokok, terhadap efektivitas vaksin mRNA booster kedua. Kadar antibodi sRBD pasca vaksin booster kedua memiliki nilai lebih tinggi dibandingkan pasca vaksin booster pertama.

Kata Kunci: Antibodi, COVID-19, efektivitas, tenaga kesehatan, vaksin



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