
Jurnal Kajian Stratejik Ketahanan Nasional


Artikel ini menggambarkan fenomena cyberculture yang mencakup setiap aspek kehidupan sehari-hari dan kehidupan akademik. Revolusi informasi dari 3.0 ke 4.0 memunculkan perubahan radikal dalam konteks sosial- budaya menjadi fenomena digital, seperti ekonomi digital, kejahatan dunia maya, perang dunia maya, atau pertahanan virtual. Sejalan dengan argumen ini, penulis setuju dengan Klaus Schwab bahwa industri 4.0 akan berubah, tidak hanya konteks sosial-budaya, tetapi akan berdampak pada individu dan masyarakat juga sebagai "manusia digital". Tidak tepat menganalisis situasi dan kondisi ini dengan paradigma lama. Kita membutuhkan paradigma baru yang dapat mempelajari semua fenomena ini, yaitu pendekatan disiplin ilmu. Untuk mengungkapkan paradigma baru ini, kami akan mengeksplorasi dengan studi kepustakaan. Sebagai hasilnya, kami berharap bahwa pendekatan postdisipliner dapat diterapkan dalam Studi Global dan Strategis, Universitas Indonesia, dan pendidikan tinggi lainnya di Indonesia seperti yang disarankan oleh UNESCO.


Agger, Ben, 2000, The Virtual Self: A Contemporary Siciology, Blackwell Publishing.

Allen, Graham, 2000, Intertextuality, Routledge, London and New York.

Antonio, Manchinui, Silvia Daini, and Louis Caruana (Eds.) 2010, Anorexia Nervosa: A Multi-Diciplinary Apporoach: From Biology to Philosophy, Nova Science Publishers, Inc: New York.

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Bruno S. Frey and Alois Stutzer (Eds.), 2007, Economics and Psychology: A Promozing New Cross-Diciplinary Field. MIT Press: Cambridge.

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Christine M.Hine, 2001, Virtual Ethnography. Sage Peblications: London.

William E. Conolly, 1882. Political Theory and Modernity,Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Deleuze Gilles, dan Guattari, 1991. A Thousand Plateaus, University of Minnesota Press.

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Eco, Umberto, 1984. Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language, London, MacMillan.

Edwards. Tim (ed.) 2007, Cultural Teory: C;assical and Contemporary Positions, Sage Publications, Los Angeles- London, New Delhgy-Singapore.

Foucault, Michel, 1967, Madness and Civilization, London : Travistock.

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_____________, 1972. The Archeology of Knowledge, London: Travistock.

ISSN: 2620-7419

Jurnal Kajian Stratejik Ketahanan Nasional, Vol..2, No.1, 2019

_____________. 1973, “Presentasi” dalam, Moi Pierre Rivie`re, Paris.

Habermas, Jurgen, 1987, Lectures on the Philosophiocal Discourse of Modernity, Cambiridge: Mass: MIT Press.

Hirst, Paul, 2010, War and Power in the 21st Century

Jenks, Chirs, 1993, Culture, Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.

Silver David &Adrienne Massanari (eds.), 2006, Critical Cyber-Culture Studies, New York University Press: New York and London.

Spivak, Gayatry 1989, In the Other Worlds, New York: Methuen.

Springer.Elizabeth Righter (ed.) 2005, The Tutu Archeological Vilage Site: A Multidiciplinary Case Study in Human Adaptation, Taylor & Francis or Routledge: London.

Gertrude Hirsch Handorn, et. Al. (Eds.) 2008.

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___________ 2013, Epistemic Culture, How the Science Make Knowledge. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Jhonson, A. Thomas 2012, Power, National Security ,and Transformational Global Events Challeges Confronting Amarica, China, and Iran, CRC Press; Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Knorr, Cetina. K 1981, The Manufacture of Knowlwedgw: An Essay on the Constructive and Contextual Nature of Science, Oxford:Pergamon Press.


__________1986 T. Moi (ed.), The Kristeva Reader, Oxford: Blackwell.

Kuhn, Thomas S. 1970, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Jameson, F. 1991, Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Verso:London Duke University Press.

Latour, B. & Woolgar, S 1979, Laboratory Life, The Social Construction of Scientific Facts, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lyotard, Francois Jean, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowlegde, Manchester University Press, 1989.

Marcuse, Herbert, 1986. One-Dimensional Man, Boston: Beacon Press.

M. Karanika-Murray and R. Wiesemers (Eds.) 2009, Exploring Avemues to Interdiciplinary Research: From Cross-to Multi-to Interdiciplinary, Nottingham University Press: Nottingham.

Munns, Jessica and Gita, Rajan(Eds.) 1995, A Cultural Studies Reader: History, Theory, Prtactice, London: Longman.

Popper, Karl Raimund, 1963 Conjectures and Refutations: The Grouth of Scientific Knowledge, New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, p88.

Poster, M. 1970/1988, Jean Baudrillrd Selected Writings, Stanford: stanford University Press.

Rorty Richard, 1980. Philosophy and the Miror of Nature, Princeton:New Yersey: Princeton University Press.

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White, Stephen K. Affirmation in Political Theory The Strengths of Weak Ontology, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Turner, Brian S. 2001. Teori Sosial dari Klasik Sampai Postmodern. (terjemahaan dari, The New Blackwell Companion to Social Theory), Pustaka Pelajar: Yogyakarta.
