
Jurnal Kajian Stratejik Ketahanan Nasional


National Security Strategy is a vast subject involving a daunting array of interrelated subelements woven in intricate, sometimes vague, and ever-changing patterns. Its processes are often irregular and confusing and always based on difficult decisions laden with serious risks. In short, it is a subject undestood by few and confusing to most. It is, at the same time, a subject of everwhelming important to the fate of civilization itself. Col. Dennis M. Drew and Dr. Donald M have done a considerable service by drawing together many of the diverse threads of national security strategy into a coherent whole. They consider political and military strategy elements as part of a larger decision making process influenced by economic, technological, cutural, and historical factors. We know of no other recent volume that addresses the entire nationalm security milieu in such a logical manner and yet also manages to address current concerns so thoroughly. It is equally remarkable that they have addressed so many contentious problems in such an evenhanded manner. We are convinced that experienced practitioners in ther field of national security strategy would benefit greatly from a closed examination of this excellent book.


National Security Policy and Economic Stability, (1950). New Haven. CT: Yale University Press. Institute of International Studies.

Strategy and National Interest: (1971) Reflectionfor The Future, New York National Strategy Information Centre.

ISSN: 2620-7419

Jurnal Kajian Stratejik Ketahanan Nasional, Vol. 1, No.2, 2018

Bush Doctrine, National Security Strategy of The United States, Washington DC; The White House, September 2002: http://www.whitehouse.gov/nsc/nss/pdf

Collin, Jhon M. (1973) Grand Strategy: Principle and Practices Annpolis, MD: Naval InstitutePress.

Liddell Hart, BH. (1991) StrategyNew York. Meridian Printing.

National Interest and National Strategy. “ InUnderstanding US Strategy: a

Reader,edited by Terry L. Hens. Vance, Cyrus, Secretary of State.( 1980-1981)’ US Foreign Policy: Our Broader Strategy” 27 March 1980. Departement

of State, Current Policy no. 153 Reprinted in case study: National Security Policy,Departement of National Security Affairs. Maxwell AFB. AL: Air War College
