
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Policy Studies


Smart tourism is a rapidly emerging field that combines innovative technologies and tourism practices to enhance the overall travel experience. This journal article investigates the integration of cryptocurrency based on fuzzy logic in the context of smart tourism. The study aims to explore the potential benefits and challenges associated with using cryptocurrency as a payment method and decision-making tool in the tourism industry.

By applying fuzzy logic principles, this research examines how cryptocurrency can enhance transaction security, improve financial transparency, and facilitate personalized travel recommendations. The study analyzes the implications of incorporating cryptocurrency based on fuzzy logic in smart tourism, including its impact on transaction efficiency, customer satisfaction, and sustainability.

The findings of this study indicate that integrating cryptocurrency based on fuzzy logic has the potential to revolutionize the tourism industry by providing efficient and secure transactions, enabling personalized and tailored travel experiences, and promoting sustainable tourism practices. The results contribute to the existing body of knowledge on smart tourism and offer insights into the practical implications and future directions for implementing cryptocurrency in the tourism sector.

This research provides valuable insights for industry stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers interested in the applications of cryptocurrency in the tourism domain. The study also highlights the need for further exploration and testing of this technology in real-world tourism scenarios to fully understand its potential benefits and address any associated challenges.

Overall, the integration of cryptocurrency based on fuzzy logic presents an exciting opportunity to enhance the efficiency, security, and personalization of smart tourism experiences, contributing to the growth and advancement of the tourism industry


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