Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Policy Studies
Purchasing and Receiving are two of the many divisions in the finance department, which are the main doors for procuring goods at hotels. These two divisions must ensure that the products ordered and received are high quality and comply with operational standards to create customer satisfaction. This study aims to provide an overview of the processes carried out by the purchasing and receiving divisions in the procurement of goods at the JHL Solitaire Hotel. The research method used is qualitative. The technique gets direct observations at the JHL Solitaire Hotel, interviews, and literature studies. The results of this study are that the purchasing division is fully responsible for procuring goods by connecting users with vendors according to the information in the Purchase Order (PO). Furthermore, the receiving division is responsible for receiving and storing goods. In this case, the receiving division will receive the goods and check the conformity of the goods according to the PO, then distribute the goods to the relevant department or storekeeper. If the goods are not taken immediately, the storekeeper will store the goods in the warehouse using the First In First Out (FIFO) system so that the quality of the goods is maintained. Accuracy in supervision and good coordination between the three sections will minimize the occurrence of errors in the operational function of the hotel. Future researchers are advised to be able to conduct research with valid data regarding the effectiveness of purchasing and receiving procuring goods at JHL Solitaire Hotel.
Bahasa Abstract
Purchasing dan Receiving merupakan dua dari banyaknya divisi pada finance department yang menjadi pintu utama dalam melakukan pengadaan barang di Hotel. Kedua divisi ini perlu memastikan produk yang dipesan dan diterima berkualitas tinggi serta sesuai dengan standar operasional agar dapat menciptakan kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai proses yang dilakukan divisi purchasing dan divisi receiving dalam pengadaan barang di Hotel JHL Solitaire. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Teknik yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan receiving pengamatan secara langsung di Hotel JHL Solitaire, wawancara serta studi literatur. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah divisi purchasing bertanggung jawab penuh atas proses pengadaan barang dengan menghubungkan antara user dengan vendor sesuai keterangan yang ada pada Purchase Order (PO). Selanjutnya, divisi receiving bertanggung jawab dalam proses penerimaan dan penyimpanan barang. Dalam hal ini, divisi receiving akan menerima barang dan memeriksa kesesuaian barang sesuai dengan PO, kemudian menyalurkan barang tersebut kepada departemen terkait ataupun storekeeper. Diketahui, jika barang tidak langsung diambil maka storekeeper akan melakukan penyimpanan barang di gudang menggunakan sistem First In First Out (FIFO) agar barang tetap terjaga kualitas nya. Ketelitian dalam pengawasan serta koordinasi yang baik antara ketiga divisi tersebut akan meminimalisir terjadinya kesalahan pada fungsi operasional hotel. Peneliti selanjutnya disarankan untuk dapat melakukan penelitian dengan data valid terkait efektifitas purchasing dan receiving dalam pengadaan barang di Hotel JHL Solitaire.
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Recommended Citation
Putra, Sangga Munggaran and Prianti, Diani Mustika
"Purchasing and receiving process in procurement of goods at JHL Solitaire Gading Serpong Hotel,"
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Policy Studies: Vol. 8:
1, Article 4.
DOI: 10.7454/jitps.v8i1.1111
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