International Review of Humanities Studies

The drama series You Are My Glory (Nǐ shì wǒ de róngyào你是我的荣耀), directed by Wang Zhi (王之), aired in 2021 and consists of 32 episodes. This research focuses on the first 14 episodes, which showcase the popularity of the game Honor of Kings-HoK (Wángzhě róngyào王者荣耀) through the interactions and dialogue between the two main characters, Yu Tu (于途) and Qiao Jingjing (乔晶晶). The integration of the popular online game HoK with the drama, starring top actors and actresses, represents a novel strategy that warrants further study. The analysis is conducted intrinsically by examining the characterizations of the two main characters in You Are My Glory and extrinsically by describing the social realities of urban Chinese society. This research finds that the portrayal of the HoK game's popularity through the interactions and dialogue between the main characters reflects contemporary conditions in China. Key findings include: the online game HoK is immensely popular among young urban Chinese; the game's popularity illustrates the advancement of information technology in China; Depicting the popularity of HoK through character interactions is a strategic element contributing to the success of the drama series You Are My Glory. This strategy of combining the online game HoK with the drama series aligns with the core goals of the Two Centenaries (Liǎng gè yībǎi nián 两个一百年) and the themes in Xi Jinping's speeches. It represents a new approach by China to bolster local cultural development and extend its soft cultural power globally.
Bahasa Abstract
Serial drama You Are My Glory (Nǐ shì wǒ de róngyào你是我的荣耀), yang disutradarai oleh Wang Zhi (王之), ditayangkan pada tahun 2021 dan terdiri dari 32 episode. Penelitian ini berfokus pada 14 episode pertama, yang menampilkan popularitas permainan Honor of Kings-HoK (Wángzhě róngyào王者荣耀) melalui interaksi dan dialog antara dua karakter utama, Yu Tu (于途) dan Qiao Jingjing (乔晶晶). Integrasi game daring populer HoK dengan drama, yang dibintangi oleh aktor dan aktris papan atas, merupakan strategi baru yang layak dipelajari lebih lanjut. Analisis dilakukan secara intrinsik dengan memeriksa karakterisasi dua karakter utama dalam You Are My Glory dan secara ekstrinsik dengan menggambarkan realitas sosial masyarakat perkotaan Cina Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penggambaran popularitas game HoK melalui interaksi dan dialog antara karakter utama mencerminkan kondisi kontemporer di Cina. Temuan utama meliputi: game daring HoK sangat populer di kalangan anak muda Cina perkotaan; popularitas game tersebut menggambarkan kemajuan teknologi informasi di Cina; Penggambaran popularitas HoK melalui interaksi karakter merupakan elemen strategis yang berkontribusi pada keberhasilan serial drama You Are My Glory. Strategi menggabungkan game daring HoK dengan serial drama ini sejalan dengan tujuan inti Dua Abad (Liǎng gè yībǎi nián 两个一百年) dan tema dalam pidato Xi Jinping. Ini merupakan pendekatan baru Cina untuk mendukung pengembangan budaya lokal dan memperluas kekuatan budaya lunaknya secara global.
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Recommended Citation
Homario, Bella and Wulandari, Adi Kristina
International Review of Humanities Studies: Vol. 9:
2, Article 16.
DOI: 10.7454/irhs.v9i2.1322
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