International Review of Humanities Studies

This research is about trafficking (TPPO) against Indonesian migrant fishers (known as ABKI) which have been attracting the attention of many parties in the last few years. The Indonesia’s Anti Trafficking Law No.21-year 2007 has not yet explicitly regulated about this form of trafficking. However, in the general, the law mentions that human trafficking practice is a modern form of human slavery. This research uses qualitative method to collect primary data from total 32 informants, they are the Indonesian migrant fisher victims of human trafficking, NGO’s staffs who assisted the victims, police investigators who investigated the case, prosecutor who worked on the case as well as relevants officials from different government departments and institutions. This study showed that social construction of modern slavery can be divided into 3 levels, namely, macro, mezzo and micro level. These three levels basically explain a policing model called inclusive policing.
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Hutagalung, Reynold E.P.
International Review of Humanities Studies: Vol. 4:
2, Article 1.
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