

This paper studies the manner in which central bank transparency has been implemented in Indonesia, and the impact of transparency on the central bank’s performance in achieving its goals. First, a normative analysis is conducted to seek the regulatory framework for central bank transparency. Secondly, a performance analysis is carried out to observe the extent to which central bank transparency has been implemented in Indonesia, and the impact it brings on the central bank’s performance in conducting monetary policy. Finally, an international practice analysis is performed to set a benchmark based on the manner in which transparency has been implemented by other central banks.

Bahasa Abstract

Tulisan ini mengkaji cara penerapan transparansi bank yang telah diterapkan di Indonesia, dan dampak transparansi performa bank sentral dalam mencapai tujuannya. Pertama, analisis normatif dilakukan untuk menemukan kerangka peraturan terkait transparansi bank sentral. Kedua, analisis performa dilakukan untuk mengamati sejauh mana transparasi bank sentral telah diimplementasikan di Indonesia, dan dampaknya terhadap performa bank sentral dalam melaksanakan kebijakan moneternya. Terakhir, analisis atas praktik internasional dilakukan untuk menetapkan tolok ukur transparansi yang telah diterapkan oleh bank sentral lainnya.


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