

The Indonesian bankruptcy law system adheres to the debt collective principle which is general seizure (sita umum) of the debtor’s property as guarantee for the payment of debt through the bankruptcy institution. The principle of debt collective stresses that the debtor’s debt shall be paid immediately from the property owned by the debtor. Based on such principle, bankruptcy serves as a means of coercion to materialize the creditors’ rights through liquidation of the debtor’s assets. Bankruptcy law in Indonesia does not recognize the principle of debt forgiveness, among others, the implementation of debt relief granted to the debtor to pay off debts that are truly incapable of being fulfilled. According to the Bankruptcy Law, after the completion of the bankruptcy process, the debtor is no longer in a state of bankruptcy, because the end of bankruptcy has revoked the status of insolvent debtors, hence debtors are considered as being competent to take care of their property. However, the termination of bankruptcy does not necessarily absolve the debtor from the remainder of the debt; creditors are entitled to collect it and debtors are obligated to pay it off. Upon the completion of the bankruptcy process, debtors or their heirs may apply for rehabilitation. However, rehabilitation is only to be granted if all creditors state that they have obtained payment in a satisfactory manner, meaning that recognized creditors will not file claims against the debtor concerned again even though they may not have received payment on all of their outstanding receivables. Request for rehabilitation can only be granted if the debtor has completed the entire scheme of bankruptcy and creditors were satisfied with the payment.

Bahasa Abstract

Sistem Hukum Kepailitan di Indonesia menganut prinsip debt collective yaitu sita umum atas harta debitor sebagai jaminan pelunasan atas utang-utangnya melalui lembaga kepailitan. Prinsip debt collective menekankan bahwa utang debitor harus dibayar dengan harta yang dimiliki oleh debitor sesegera mungkin. Berdasarkan prinsip ini, kepailitan berfungsi sebagai sebagai sarana pemaksa untuk merealisasikan hak-hak kreditor melalui proses likuidasi terhadap harta kekayaan debitor. Hukum Kepailitan di Indonesia tidak mengenal prinsip debt forgiveness, yang implementasinya antara lain berupa diberikannya penghapusan utang debitor untuk membayar utang-utangnya yang benar-benar tidak dapat dipenuhinya. Menurut UUK & PKPU, setelah berakhirnya kepailitan, maka debitor tidak lagi berada dalam keadaan pailit, karena berakhirnya kepailitan telah mencabut status pailit debitor, sehingga debitor dianggap cakap untuk mengurus kembali harta bendanya, akan tetapi pengakhiran kepailitan tidak serta merta membebaskan debitor dari sisa utang. Kreditor berhak untuk menagih dan debitor wajib untuk melunasinya. Setelah pengakhiran kepailitan, debitor atau ahli warisnya dapat mengajukan permohonan rehabilitasi, akan tetapi rehabilitasi akan dikabulkan jika semua kreditornya menyatakan sudah memperoleh pembayaran secara memuaskan, artinya kreditor yang diakui tidak akan mengajukan tagihan lagi terhadap debitor sekalipun mereka mungkin tidak menerima pembayaran atas seluruh tagihannya. Permohonan rehabilitasi hanya dapat diberikan jika debitor telah menyelesaikan seluruh skema kepailitan dan kreditor merasa puas dengan pembayaran yang ada.


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