

The Timor Gap Treaty on oil and gas management cooperation in some parts of the Timor Sea was full of political intrigues between Australia and Republic of Indonesia, since the treaty which comprises three areas of cooperation was detrimental to Indonesia and it indicated the highest influence of Indonesian Republic by Australia. Renunciation of the treaty due to the independence of Timor Leste after a referendum resulted in the issue of maritime delimitation between Timor Leste and Indonesia. Nevertheless in fact in 2002 the new state declared maritime expansion to a distance of 100 nautical miles measured from the former Timor Gap lines. The result of the expansion was that it potentially reached to Indonesian oil and gas fields located in the west and east of the lines. Apparently the unilateral expansion conducted by the country which from 1975 until 1999 was the 27th province of Indonesian Republic motivated both states to accelerate maritime delimitation aimed at achieving equitable solution. Although some points existing in border territory have not been agreed yet, the disagreement did not hamper the two states to conduct any negotiations regarding maritime delimitation, mainly delimitation of exclusive economic zone on the basis of the international law rules aimed at achieving equitable solution. This article is designed to examine the substance of Timor Gap Treaty and other issues relating to it, such as the maritime expansion and implementation of the equitable solution principle in maritime delimitation between the two states after the Timor Gap Treaty.

Bahasa Abstract

Perjanjian Celah Timor mengenai kerjasama pengelolaan migas di Laut Timor sarat dengan intrik politik antara Australia dan Indonesia, karena ternyata perjanjian yang mencakup tiga zona kerjasama merugikan Indonesia serta menunjukkan kuatnya pengaruh Australia terhadap Indonesia pada masa itu.Pembatalan perjanjian tersebut akibat kemerdekaan Timor Leste setelah referendum menimbulkan isu delimitasi maritim antaraIndonesia dan Timor Leste. Namun ternyata pada tahun 2002Timor Leste memperluas secara sepihak zona maritimnya sejauh 100 mil laut dengan menggunakan garis-garis bekas Celah Timor sehingga dikawatirkan berpotensi mencapai ladang migas Indonesia yang berada di sebelah barat dan timur dari garis-garis tersebut. Tampaknya ekspansi sepihak negara yang dari tahun 1975 hingga 1999 merupakan provinsi Republik Indonesia ke27 ini mendorong kedua negara untuk mempercepat dilakukannya berbagai negosiasi delimitasi maritim, khususnya delimitasi zona ekonomi eksklusif di kawasan tersebut. Artikel ini mengkaji substansi perjanjian Celah Timor dan perluasan maritim negara tetangga dan penerapan prinsip solusi yang berkeadilan dalam menetapkan garis batas maritim keduanegara setelah perjanjian Celah Timor.


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