

This research analyzes local wisdom that has been normatively affirmed as a principle that underlies the formation of environmental legislation. Fundamentally, these local wisdom values can animate the formation of cosmic religious environmental law. The problem studied in this paper is how the urgency of the principle of local wisdom as a basic framework in the formation of Cosmic Religious Environmental Law. The approach method used to analyze the problem is normative juridical with analytical descriptive research nature. The approach used is a philosophical approach, namely the study of deconstruction, interpretation, internal coherence and heuristic methods and concept approaches. Data collection techniques are carried out through literature studies and interviews. The data analysis technique used is qualitative juridical analysis. From the results of the analysis conducted, it is known that the principle of local wisdom means local ideas that are wise, full of wisdom, good value that is embedded and followed by indigenous peoples. The values of local wisdom imply the principles of balance, harmony, respect, and wisdom, which are the basis for the formation of cosmic religious environmental law.


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