Soldier is a death-risk profession; thus, identification to have their exact identity is a fundamental right. The Presidential Regulation Number 107 of 2013 mandates Ladokgi RE. Martadinata as the investigator of victim identification activities for Indonesian Navy Soldiers. This study analyzes the implementation of the policy with a qualitative descriptive approach using the Edward III model analysis. Retrieval of primary informant data through in depth interviews and secondary data, including observation and review of the literature, documents, and related laws and regulations. Data validation is done by triangulating data sources, theories, and methodologies. The results of the study indicate that there are several supporting factors. First, the Ladokgi bureaucratic structure factor has a Military Dentistry Department in charge of managing dental antemortem data and had gathered 9000 soldiers data by 2019. The second is the resource factor. Ladokgi has regular budget sources from the state budget, personnel, health materials, and routine training programs. Third, the Ladokgi leadership's disposition factor has made the Navy Forensic Odontology into a functional organization under the control of the Ladokgi Chief. The fourth is communication factors, the existence of a tiered reporting system to the top command.However, there are several inhibiting factors. From the bureaucratic structure and resource factor is the absence of a root organization with various supporting professions for the identification. There is still the absence of standard information flow procedures in the reconciliation phase in the communication factor. In the disposition factor, the micro policy is absent in the form of guidelines for identifying victims in the Indonesian Navy. Conclusion. The implementation of the policy of identifying TNI AL casualties in Ladokgi RE. Martadinata has been implemented but is still partial, such as dental-based antemortem data management. We recommend that the commitment from the leader is needed in this case the Head of the Navy's Health Service regarding the involvement of required cross professional personnel in the organization of victim identification, through the revision of Presidential Regulation 107 of 2013 and the preparation of several technical policies needed in victim identification activities within the Navy.
Bahasa Abstract
Tugas prajurit memiliki resiko tinggi termasuk kematian sehingga perlu dilakukan identifikasi untuk menetapkan identitasnya sebagai hak dasar. Kebijakan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 107 tahun 2013 mengamanatkan bahwa penyelenggara kegiatan identifikasi korban bagi Prajurit TNI Angkatan Laut adalah Ladokgi RE. Martadinata. Penelitian ini menganalisis implementasi kebijakan tersebut dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan analisis model Edward III. Pengambilan data primer informan melalui wawancara mendalam dan data sekunder meliputi telaah pustaka, dokumen, observasi dan peraturan perundangan terkait.Validasi data dilakukan dengan triangulasi terhadap sumber data, teori dan metodologi. Hasil studi menunjukkan adanya faktor pendukung keberhasilan yaitu; pertama, faktor struktur birokrasi Ladokgi memiliki Departemen Kedokteran Gigi Militer yang bertugas dalam pengelolaan data antemortem gigi, dan tahun 2019 sudah terkumpul 9000 prajurit. Kedua, faktor sumber daya, ladokgi memiliki sumber anggaran rutin dari APBN, personel, material kesehatan dan program latihan rutin. Ketiga, faktor disposisi Pimpinan Ladokgi telah mengupayakan terbentuknya Odontologi Forensik TNI AL menjadi organisasi fungsional di bawah kendali Kepala Ladokgi. Keempat, faktor komunikasi, adanya sistem pelaporan secara berjenjang ke komando atas. Faktor penghambat dari struktur birokrasi dan sumber daya adalah belum adanya induk organisasi dengan berbagai profesi pendukung identifikasi. Faktor komunikasi, belum adanya standar prosedur alur informasi pada fase rekonsiliasi, serta faktor disposisi belum adanya kebijakan mikro berupa pedoman identifikasi korban di TNI AL. Kesimpulan, implementasi kebijakan identifikasi korban prajurit TNI AL di Ladokgi RE. Martadinata sudah terlaksana namun bersifat parsial, yaitu pengelolaan data antemortem berbasis gigi. Direkomendasikan perlunya dukungan Komitmen dari Pimpinan dalam hal ini Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Angkatan Laut terkait pelibatan personel lintas profesi yang diperlukan dalam penyelenggaraan identifikasi korban, melalui upaya revisi Perpres 107 tahun 2013 serta penyusunan beberapa kebijakan teknis yang dibutuhkan dalam kegiatan identifikasi korban di lingkungan TNI AL.
Recommended Citation
Winarno, Sugeng; Sitam, Suhardjo; Hidayat, Bambang Hidayat; and Subiyakto, Yuli
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration: Vol. 5:
1, Article 1.
DOI: 10.7454/ihpa.v5i1.3450
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