

Farmers’ adoption of multiple climate-smart agricultural practices may guarantee food security and economic and social efficiency considering the adverse effects of climate change. This study investigates the adoption of climate-smart agricultural technologies among farmers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. The analysis used a primary data sample of 350 rice farmers and a multinomial logit model. The findings indicate that the most critical determinants of climate-smart agricultural technology adoption among farmers include perceived impact of climate change, farmer’s education level, farm size, access to credit, social capital, access to extension, secured farmland tenure, and constraint to market. The results demonstrate the need for policymaking designed to improve the probability of households applying climate-smart agricultural technology as the most crucial step in successfully implementing adaptive agricultural production strategies to climate change.

Bahasa Abstract

Penelitian ini menganalisis faktor-faktor penentu langkah-langkah adaptasi iklim tingkat pertanian di Vietnam menggunakan model multinomial logit yang sesuai dengan data dari survei cross-sectional terhadap 350 petani padi. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa modal manusia (tingkat pendidikan petani), modal sosial, modal keuangan (akses ke kredit), ukuran lahan pertanian, faktor kelembagaan (status kepemilikan lahan pertanian), akses layanan penyuluhan dan kendala pasar adalah faktor penentu pertanian cerdas-iklim adopsi teknologi di kalangan petani. Hasilnya menunjukkan perlunya pembuatan kebijakan yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan rumah tangga menerapkan teknologi pertanian cerdas-iklim sebagai langkah paling penting dalam berhasil menerapkan strategi produksi pertanian adaptif terhadap perubahan iklim.



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