

President term limit should not be interpreted as only one measure and is merely legal-formalistic. This will have an administrative implication that every president in power will try to preserve his power (presidential continuism) by changing, avoiding, reinterpreting, amending the constitution or even removing the statute of limitations on the term of office of the president in Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution before the amendment. The form can influence the position and authority of the MPR as the highest institution of people's sovereignty, the general election system and the president, changes in the composition of the people's representatives in parliament, and shifting the interpretation authority by the Supreme Court. The president term limit should regulate the quantity and quality of terms of office and periodization of office and the commitment of the presidential candidates to the basic norms of term limits in the constitution.

Keywords: Presidential Term Limit, Presidential Continuism, Contitutional Implication

Bahasa Abstract

Pembatasan masa jabatan presiden seharusnya tidak dimaknai hanya satu ukuran dan bersifat legal-formalistik semata. Hal ini akan berimplikasi secara ketatanegaraan terhadap setiap presiden yang berkuasa akan berusaha untuk melanggengkan kekuasaannya (presidential continuism) dengan cara mengubah, menghindar, menafsirkan ulang, mengamendemen konstitusi atau bahkan menghapus pasal pembatasan masa jabatan presiden di pasal 7 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 sebelum amendemen. Bentuknya bisa mempengaruhi kedudukan dan kewenangan MPR sebagai lembaga tertinggi kedaulatan rakyat, sistem pemilihan umum dan presiden, perubahan komposisi wakil rakyat di parlemen, dan pegeseran otoritas penafsiran oleh Mahkamah Agung. Batasan masa jabatan presiden seharusnya mengatur secara kuantitas dan kualitas dari masa jabatan dan periodesisasi jabatan serta komitmen calon presiden terhadap norma dasar batasan masa jabatan di konstitusi.

Kata kunci: Batasan Masa Jabatan Presiden, Keberlanjutan Jabatan Presiden, Implikasi Ketatanegaraan



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