

Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestine and Israeli People has been published by Donald Trump, President of United States. The Peace Plan was sparked by Trump then later known as the Trump's Peace to Property Plan. The prolonged Israeli-Palestinian conflict until these days underpins the Trump Peace Plan. The series of historical peace agreements have not yet yielded satisfactory results. However, Trump's Peace Plan does not run smoothly. It was leading to an international debate which was launched in January 2020 whether leaders agree or disagree toward the Trump Peace Plan. This research uses descriptive analysis method. The method used is a juridical-normative approach. The data taken was described the discussions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Trump Agreement Plan, and the international response to the Trump Peace Plan. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Trump's Peace to Property Plan not only seeks to divide Israel-Palestine into two States, but also regulates the citizenship status of the two countries, refugees, prisoners, borders, territories, security, economy, Jerusalem city, and site holy sites. Trump's Peace Plan is thensummarized into two frameworks, namely the political framework and the economic framework. In addition, there were some rejections toward Trump's Peace Plan. Additionally, if it is compared to Palestine, the Trump Peace Plan is considered unfair, more partial, and gives many benefits to Israel.

Bahasa Abstract

Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestine and Israeli People telah diterbitkan oleh Presiden Amerika Serikat Donald Trump. Rencana Perdamaian yang dicetuskan Trump itu kemudian dikenal dengan Trump’s Peace to Property Plan. Konflik Israel-Palestina yang berkepanjangan hingga saat ini mendasari pembentukan Rencana Perdamaian Trump. Rentetan sejarah perjanjian-perjanjian damai belum juga membuahkan hasil yang memuaskan. Akan tetapi, Rencana Perdamaian Trump tidak begitu saja berjalan dengan mulus. Muncul perdebatan internasional akan setuju dan tidak setuju terhadap Rencana Perdamaian Trump yang diluncurkan di bulan Januari 2020 tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Deskriftif-Analisis. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan Yuridis-Normatif. Pembahasan dideskripsikan mulai dari konflik Israel-Palestina, Rencana Perjanjian Trump, dan respon internasional terhadap Rencana Perdamaian Trump. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa Trump’s Peace to Property Plan tidak hanya menggupayakan pembagian Israel-Palestina menjadi dua Negara, namun mengatur pula mengenai: status kewarganegaraan kedua Negara, pengungsi, tahanan, perbatasan, wilayah, keamanan, ekonomi, kota Yerussalam dan situs-situs suci. Rencana Perdamaian Trump terikhtisarikan kedalam dua kerangka kerja, yaitu kerangka kerja politik dan kerangka kerja ekonomi. Selain itu, ditemukan penolakan-penolakan terhadap Rencana Perdamaian Trump. Dibandingkan dengan Palestina, rencana perdamaian Trump tersebut dianggap tidak adil, lebih memihak dan memberi banyak keuntungan bagi Israel.

Kata Kunci: Donald Trump, Perdamaian untuk Kemakmuran, Konflik Internasional, Penyelesaian Sengketa Internasional, Israel-Palestina.


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