

This study aims to obtain an overview of psychosocial factors and distress among special education teachers in Depok during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022. This study used a cross-sectional study design with a semi-quantitative approach through filling out questionnaires and interviews. A total of 67 special education teachers in Depok participated in this study. The results showed that 34.3% of teachers experienced moderate distress, and 16.4% of teachers experienced significant distress. Then, it was found that distress is more experienced by female teachers (52.7%), aged > 30 years (52.4%), came from non-PLB study programs (52.5%), did not have personality type A (66,6%), have a working period of > 10 years (60%), are married (59.5%), have children (64.9%), have poor social support from family (89.3%), have a workload high (61.8%), have bad work equipment (63.9%), have bad working hours (64.3%), have high role conflict (73.7%), have high role ambiguity (76.2% ), have poor work control (81.4%), have poor social support from superiors and coworkers (81.4%), have a high work-home conflict (86.2%), rarely do hobbies (66 ,7%), and had a severe fear of COVID-19 infection (71.4%).


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Bahasa Abstract

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran faktor psikososial dan distress pada guru SLB di Kota Depok saat pandemi COVID-19 tahun 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan pendekatan semi kuantitatif melalui pengisian kuesioner dan wawancara. Sejumlah 67 guru SLB di Kota Depok berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 34,3% guru mengalami distress sedang dan 16,4% guru mengalami distress signifikan. Kemudian, ditemukan bahwa distress lebih banyak dialami oleh guru perempuan (52,7%), berumur > 30 tahun (52,4%), berasal dari program studi non-PLB (52,5%), tidak memiliki tipe kepribadian A (66,6%), memiliki masa kerja > 10 tahun (60%), sudah menikah (59,5%), memiliki anak (64,9%), memiliki dukungan sosial buruk dari keluarga (89,3%), memiliki beban kerja tinggi (61,8%), memiliki peralatan kerja buruk (63,9%), memiliki jam kerja buruk (64,3%), memiliki konflik peran tinggi (73,7%), memiliki ambiguitas peran tinggi (76,2%), memiliki kontrol pekerjaan buruk (81,4%), memiliki dukungan sosial yang buruk dari atasan dan rekan kerja (81,4%), memiliki konflik antara pekerjaan dan rumah yang tinggi (86,2%), jarang melakukan hobi (66,7%), dan memiliki ketakutan berat terhadap infeksi COVID-19 (71,4%).

Kata Kunci: Distress, Faktor Psikososial, Guru SLB
