
Jurnal Geografi Lingkungan Tropik (Journal of Geography of Tropical Environments)


Seawater intrusion can increase soil salinity, which occurs due to flooding, evaporation, and land cover changes in coastal areas. This research aims to map and observe the characteristics of seawater intrusion in Way Urang, Kalianda, South Lampung, using Dual-polarization of Sentinel-1 SAR imagery with VV, VH, VV+VH, and (VV+VH)/2 polarization. There were 28 samples used in this research which were divided into two types, GCP (ground control point) and ICP (independent check point). GCP samples are used to create a seawater intrusion estimation model using the regression method, while ICP samples are used to test the validation model using the RMSE method. The seawater intrusion estimation model created in this study had a good RMSE accuracy of 0.01 – 0.08. However, these results were not followed by a strong relationship between backscatter and estimated salinity value. This can be caused by high levels of soil moisture in the research area. Based on the salinity value estimation model, it shows that there is no seawater intrusion in the research area.

Seawater intrusion can increase soil salinity, which occurs due to flooding, evaporation, and land cover changes in coastal areas. This research aims to map and observe the characteristics of seawater intrusion in Way Urang, Kalianda, South Lampung, using Dual-polarization of Sentinel-1 SAR imagery with VV, VH, VV+VH, and (VV+VH)/2 polarization. There were 28 samples used in this research which were divided into two types, GCP (ground control point) and ICP (independent check point). GCP samples are used to create a seawater intrusion estimation model using the regression method, while ICP samples are used to test the validation model using the RMSE method. The seawater intrusion estimation model created in this study had a good RMSE accuracy of 0.01 – 0.08. However, these results were not followed by a strong relationship between backscatter and salinity value. This can be caused by high levels of soil moisture in the research area. Based on the salinity value estimation model, it shows that there is no seawater intrusion in the research area.

Bahasa Abstract

Intrusi air laut dapat meningkatkan salinitas pada permukaan tanah yang terjadi akibat adanya banjir, evaporasi, dan perubahan tutupan lahan di daerah pesisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan dan mengamati karakteristik intrusi air laut di daerah pesisir Kalianda, Lampung Selatan, menggunakan citra SAR Sentinel-1 polarisasi VV, VH, VV+VH, dan (VV+VH)/2. Terdapat 28 sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yang dibagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu GCP (ground control point) dan ICP (independent check point). Sampel GCP untuk membuat model estimasi intrusi air laut dengan metode regressi, sedangkan sampel ICP digunakan untuk menguji hasil validasi model tersebut menggunakan metode RMSE. Model estimasi intrusi air laut yang dibuat pada penelitian ini memiliki ketelitian RMSE yang baik yaitu sebesar 0.01 – 0.08, tetapi hasil tersebut tidak diikuti oleh kuatnya hubungan antara backscatter dengan estimasi nilai salinitas. Hal tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh tingginya tingkat kelembaban tanah pada area penelitian. Berdasarkan model estimasi nilai salinitas yang dibuat menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya intrusi air laut pada area peneltian.


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