
International Review of Humanities Studies

International Review of Humanities Studies


Fashion and history cannot be separated, because fashion is one indicator of a change in culture, civilization, behavior, and certain identities. Vice versa, changes and developments in fashion are influenced by conditions at the time the fashion is developing, both the social, cultural, political, religious, economic and others. Fashion that is developing in Indonesia is Muslim fashion. One part of Muslim clothing is the hijab, headgear worn by Muslim women. Hijab is not only part of religious observance, hijab is already part of fashion and we can examine the hijab style of a society from its historical period. We can analyze the effects that occurred at that time. This writing will focus on how the hijab style during the struggle for independence, especially the Indonesian female heroes. How their hijab style is greatly influenced by the situation, conditions and even their role in the struggle for Indonesian independence. Hijab style at that time, of course, there are differences with the hijab worn at the present time. Even at that time every Indonesian heroine had a unique hijab style in accordance with their respective character and culture. This is very interesting to be appointed as a study, where the hijab is also part of their identity as Muslim warriors who are not afraid of invading the invaders, and also their role in fighting for the dignity of women at that time.



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