

Controlling migration in the world's largest archipelago brings various challenges to Indonesian authorities that differ from other countries. The difficulties become even more complicated since Indonesia has been known as the most favorite transit country for people who want to migrate to Australia due to its strategic geographical location, which is situated between the continents of Asia and Australia and between the Pacific and Indian oceans. Following this, the decision of choosing the mechanism of criminal law to deal with irregular migration from the start leads Indonesia to its acknowledgment as a country who is vulnerable to the trend of crimmigration. The criminalization of immigration-related conducts, the authorization of investigative power to the immigration officers, and the implementation of the 'selective policy' in the very first Immigration Law (Law No. 9/1992) justify the underlying situation in Indonesia. This condition is even harsher when Indonesia joined the fight against people smuggling since the new law concerning immigration (Law No. 6/2011) also increase criminal sanctions for immigration-related offenses. Nonetheless, this punitive approach stands as a symbolic strategy, which is barely enforced by the Indonesian authorities and it serves nothing than responding the problems with erroneous actions. By doing this, the Indonesian government has shown its weaknesses and inabilities to control crime problems to an acceptable level.

Bahasa Abstract

Upaya pengendalian migrasi di negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia memberikan berbagai tantangan bagi Indonesia yang berbeda dari negara-negara lain. Tantangan yang dihadapi menjadi lebih rumit dengan dikenalnya Indonesia sebagai negara transit bagi orang-orang yang bermigrasi ke Australia, karena letak geografisnya yang strategis. Ditambah dengan keputusan memilih mekanisme hukum pidana untuk menangani migrasi non-reguler membuat Indonesia rentan terhadap tren crimmigration. Kriminalisasi perilaku terkait imigrasi, otorisasi kekuasaan investigasi oleh petugas imigrasi, dan pelaksanaan kebijakan selektif dalam UU Imigrasi pertama (UU No. 9/1992) mendasari situasi yang terjadi di Indonesia. Kondisi ini bahkan lebih keras ketika Indonesia bergabung memerangi penyelundupan manusia sejak lahirnya Undang-Undang baru tentang Imigrasi (UU No. 6/2011) yang meningkatkan sanksi pidana bagi pelanggaran terkait imigrasi. Meskipun demikian, pendekatan hukuman ini merupakan strategi simbolik, yang hampir tidak ditegakkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia dan tidak memiliki fungsi selain menanggapi masalah dengan tindakan yang salah. Dengan melakukan hal demikian, pemerintah Indonesia telah menunjukkan kelemahan dan ketidakmampuan untuk mengendalikan masalah kejahatan pada tingkat yang dapat diterima.


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