

Indonesia will be welcoming the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015 as a multilateral agreement to create integrated regions such as: (a) a single market and production base, (b) a highly competitive economic region, (c) a region of equitable economic development, and (d) a region fully integrated into the global economy. These characteristics are interrelated and mutually reinforcing in a sense that overall development would not be complete without total completion of the previous sector. This article discusses the participation of Indonesia as part of ASEAN as a single market and production base, through free flow of services which targets higher education in law. The author researched that Indonesian higher education system still faces issues, especially in legal education. Compared to other states that manages higher education in a relatively guided term, Indonesian legal education is still regulated generally by the government, operated by state and private educational entity, and further trained by profession organization. Indonesian legal education standard has not been supported by proper accreditation bureaucracy from BAN-PT or fair treatment from the government between state and private university. As a result, the quality of Indonesian law graduate still varies. Indonesian legal education is special in nature since it is considered profession and regulated by code of ethic. According to the author, legal education should be integrated with profession organization so that upon graduation, law graduates can directly conduct internship according to their desired profession and compete against ASEAN law graduates.

Bahasa Abstract

Indonesia akan menghadapi ASEAN Economic Commmunity pada tahun 2015 sebagai realisasi perjanjian multilateral untuk menciptakan wilayah terintegrasi seperti: (a) pusat produksi dan pasar tunggal, (b) wilayah ekonomi yang kompetitif, (c) wilayah yang memiliki perkembangan ekonomi yang memadai, dan (d) wilayah yang terintegrasi dengan ekonomi global. Karakteristik ini saling berhubungan dan mendukung dalam arti semua perkembangan ini tidak akan lengkap tanpa terpenuhinya semua persyaratan tersebut. Artikel ini membahas partisipasi Indonesia sebagai anggota ASEAN mengenai potensi pendidikan tinggi dalam bidang hukum sebagai sektor jasa. Akibatnya kualitas lulusan hukum di Indonesia masih beraneka ragam secara nasional. Pendidikan hukum itu sifatnya khusus karena berupa profesi dan diatur oleh kode etik. Menurut hemat penulis, seharusnya pendidikan hukum terintegrasi dengan lembaga profesi, sehingga lulusan sarjana hukum sudah memiliki sertifikasi untuk langsung magang menurut profesinya masing-masing dan bersaing dengan lulusan hukum dari ASEAN.


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